Enhance your smile with dental veneers! Dr. J. Andrew Carletti and associates may recommend this cosmetic treatment to help you achieve a picture-perfect smile for years to come. Call today to find out if you are a candidate for dental veneers in Tulsa and Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

What Are Dental Veneers?

A veneer is a thin layer of material, usually plastic or porcelain, which is placed over a tooth to correct aesthetic issues such as discoloration, fracture or misalignment. Typically, a molding is taken of your teeth to ensure that the customized veneer has the proper fit. There are two main types of veneers: composite and porcelain. Composite veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers and last about four to eight years. They are more susceptible to chipping, so they typically require more maintenance. Porcelain veneers are sturdier and can generally last for 20 to 30 years without damage.

At Carletti Dentistry and Associates, dental veneers are a natural-looking option for our patients who want to improve the appearance of their smile. Dental veneers can be used to treat one or more teeth, and they can be included as part of a complete smile makeover.

How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost?

Our veneers are always tailored to each individual patient. As a result, there is no “set” price for this cosmetic treatment. The best way to determine the cost of dental veneers is to schedule an appointment with our highly skilled and experienced dentists, Dr. Carletti and associates.

When you attend your initial, free consultation, you can learn more about the payment options available to our veneers patients in Oklahoma. We are a provider for various dental insurance plans, and we also offer an in-house dental discount plan for qualified patients who have no insurance. There is also a financing option through CareCredit®.

Our goal at Carletti Dentistry and Associates is to make veneers affordable for residents throughout the area. Our friendly, knowledgeable team will work to find a financing plan that fits your individual circumstances.

To learn more about our dental veneers, please take a moment to peruse our veneers before and after pictures. These photos will help you visualize the kind of results that are possible with veneers at. Call our office for more information.

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